Learn More About Fungicides

Learn More About Fungicides

Learn More about Fungicides: a common type of pesticide that is used for agriculture. Fungi are biological organisms that cause a host of problems in agriculture, including critical losses in yield, quality, and profit. Fungicides kill fungi by inhibiting their growth. The harmful effects of fungi can be prevented by understanding their chemical structure, mode […]

Orchard Management of Fruit Flies

Orchard Management of Fruit Flies

There are several options available for controlling fruit flies in your orchard. Physical barriers such as mosquito nets that cover the entire tree can keep them out. These can be fixed to the trunk, bags, or sleeves. However, it is important to leave a space between the netting and fruit. The female flies are able […]

The Benefits of Pesticide Use in Agriculture

The Benefits of Pesticide Use in Agriculture

The primary benefits of pesticide use in agriculture are gains that can be expected to be directly associated with the action of the pesticide. For example, an effect of the pesticide killing caterpillars results in improved yields and quality of cabbage. In total, 26 primary benefits are expected, ranging from protected recreational turf to saving […]