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Rhizobium Nitrogen Fixing Bio Inoculant Highest Quality

Classification: Biological Fertilizer
CAS No.: Contact Supplier
Other Names: Rhizobium leguminosarum
MF: Contact Supplier
EINECS No.: Contact Supplier

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Method of application:


The mixture of Rhizobium and phosphate solublizing bacteria can be used for leguminous crops.


Seed treatment:


For one kg of seeds about 40 grams of Rhizobium  product is required. Mix required quantity of Rhizobium  with equal quantity of Rice gruel. With this mixture, mix the required amount of seeds shade dry and after 24 hours, use the seeds of sowing.


Seedling Root dip: 


Mix 2 Kg of Rhizobium with 50 lits of water. In this mixture, dip the seedling roots in immersed condition for 10 minutes and use the seedlings for transplantation in the field.


Soil application: 


Mix about 5 kgs Rhizobium with 100 kgs of organic manure, keep the mixture under shade for one week and apply to the soil.


Drip irrigation: 


Dilute five kgs of Rhizomax in 100 litrs of chemicals free, good quality water. Filter the mixture with a pure cloth; use the filtered solution in drip irrigation for one acre.


For liquid inoculants


Soil application Mix 3 Lrs of Rhizobium liquid formulation with 100 kgs of organic manure, keep the mixture under shade for one week and apply to the soil. Drip irrigation Mix about 1L of Rhizobium liquid formulation in 100 litrs of chemical free, good quality water. Filter the mixture with a pure cloth; use the filtered solution in drip irrigation for one acre.


Recommended crops: 


Rhizobium is recommended for all leguminous plants such as bengal gram, red gram, pea, lentil, black gram, green gram and cowpea Lentil, Bengal-gram and Fodder legumes. All types of beans, methi, alfalfa, lupin, barseem etc. Oilseed legumes like soybean and groundnut.  Rhizobium  can be used along with Gmax Phosphomax


We Indo Gulf Group manufacturer, supplier and exporter of bio control agents and bio fertilizers. These include Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma virdi, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Acetobacter diazotrophicus, Azospirillum brasilense and Bacillus megaterium.




Our range of products comprises of chemical fertilizers, rhizobium sp, trichoderma viride, pseudomonas fluorescens, bio control agents, bio fertilizers, bio compost, gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, organic fertilizers, acetobacter diazotrophicus, azospirillum brasilense, bacillus megaterium, mushroom spawn, rhizobium sp trichoderma viride. All our bio fertilizers are useful to enhance the crop yield by 20-30%, Replenish soil fertility, Safeguard the soil against some soil borne diseases, Enhance the growth of the plant and Have the ability to stimulate the soil biologically

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